Federico Bellentani
Research fellow
- Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
- SSD: M-FIL/05 - philosophy and theory of language
- ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2505-9231

- Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences
- Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell'Educazione
Selected research products
Research monographs
- Bellentani, F., Yoka, L. & Panico, M. [forthcoming 2023] Research Agendas in Urban Semiotics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Bellentani, F. 2021. The meanings of the built environment. A semiotic and geographical approach to monuments in the post-Soviet era. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Publications in peer reviewed journals
- Bellentani, F. & Thibault M. [forthcoming 2023] The Feast with the Statue - Creative, playful and innovative approaches to controversial cultural heritage. Lexia. 39-40.
- Bellentani, F. & Arkhipova, D. 2022. The built environment in Social Media: towards a Biosemiotic Approach. Biosemiotics 15, 193–213.
- Bellentani, F. 2021. Pratiche istituzionali per la reinvenzione culturale dei monumenti controversi. Filosofi(e) Semiotiche, 8 (1). 8-21. https://www.ilsileno.it/filosofiesemiotiche/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2-Bellantani.pdf
- Yoka, L. & Bellentani, F. 2019. Introduction. International Journal of Semiotics 5 (2). 5-10.
- Bellentani, F. 2018. Relocating the past: The case of the Bronze Soldier of Tallinn. A Transdisciplinary Journal 7. 131-149.
- Nanni, A. & Bellentani, F. 2018. The meaning making of the built environment in the Fascist city: A semiotic approach. Sign and Society 6 (2). 379-411. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/696850?af=R&mobileUi=0&
- Bellentani, F. 2017. Kultuurilise ümbermõtestamise tavad [Practices of cultural reinvention]. Estonian Architectural Review 1- 2/2016. 118-119.
- Bellentani, F. & Panico, M. 2016. The meanings of monuments and memorials: Toward a semiotic approach. International Journal of Semiotics 2 (1). 28-46. http://punctum.gr/?page_id=521
- Cócola Gant, A. & Bellentani, F. 2015. Mussolini y la política del pasado de la Roma fascista. Diagonal Revista de Crítica Arquitectónica 10-15. http://www.revistadiagonal.com/articles/analisi-critica/mussolini-politicadelpasado/
- Montanari, F.; Frattura, L.; Chieppa, A.; Bellentani, F.; Molica, R. & Palestrini, M. 2015. Prijedor, Bosnia. Making sense of emptiness. Un workshop, e una prima analisi etnosemiotica, negli spazi urbani del post-conflitto. E | C Rivista on line dell’Associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici 51-58. http://www.ec-aiss.it/monografici/18_19_arti_vivere/ec_18_19_copertina.pdf
Chapters in collective volumes
- Bellentani, F. [forthcoming 2023] The cultural reinvention of monuments and memorials in Estonia. In Falsetti, M. The Routledge Handbook of Architectures, Cities and Heritage of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (provisional title)
- Bellentani, F. [forthcoming 2023] Semiotics and cultural geography: An interdisciplinary approach to the built environment. In Biglari A. ed., Open Semiotics.
- Acqua, A. & Bellentani, F. 2023. How to build a chatbot: A semiotic approach. In Santangelo, A. & Leone, M. (eds) Semiotica e Intelligenza Artificiale, p. 149-170. Turin: Aracne.
- Bellentani, F. 2021. Translation and controversial monuments in Tallinn. In Lee T.K. ed., The Routledge Handbook of Translation and the City, 205-221. London: Routledge.
- Bellentani, F. 2020. Diario del Coronavirus: Balconi. In Lorusso A.M., Marrone G., Jacoviello S. (eds) Diario semiotico sul Coronavirus, 52-53. Palermo: EC-AISS.
- Bellentani, F. 2016. Landscape as text. In Higuera C.J.R. & Bennett T.J. (eds), Concepts for Semiotics, 76-87. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
Edited issues
- Yoka, L. & Bellentani, F. 2021. Interartive https://interartive.org/
- Yoka, L. & Bellentani, F. 2019. International Journal of Semiotics 5 (2). 5-10.
Translation of publication n. 10
- Bellentani, F. & Panico M. Pour une approche sémiotique des monuments et des mémoriaux. Trad. E. Caccamo, in collaboration with S. Levesque. Cygne Noir 6.
- Tamm, M. 2021. Storia orientata al futuro. E | C Rivista on line dell’Associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici. Federico Bellentani.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Bellentani, F. 2019. A semiotic and geographical approach to monuments. In Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS). Buenos Aires.
- Bellentani, F. 2018. Connecting semiotics and cultural geography: A framework for the interpretations of monuments and memorials. In Martinelli, D. ed., Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans. Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), 206-215. Kaunas.
Posts in academic blogs
- Bellentani, F. 2021. Monuments to semioticians around the world. UT Blog.
- Belentani, F. 2021. Eesti monumendisõjad pakuvad uurijatele väärtuslikku õppematerjali. Novaator - ERR
- Bellentani, F. & Arkhipova D. 2021. Notes on Leonidas’s photography portfolio. Interartive
- Bellentani, F. 2021. How to deal with controversial monuments? Interartive
- Bellentani, F. 2020. Dealing with controversial monuments in Estonia and beyond. Cardiff Alumni Blog.
- Bellentani, F. 2018. Monuments and memorials in changing societies: A semiotic and geographical approach. A Global Information Magazine.
- Bellentani, F. 2017. Re-creating memorial landscape in Estonia. TallinnRGS-IBG Postgraduate Forum.
- Bellentani, F. & Zani A. 2015. Comunicare il cibo: i tipi di padiglione dell’Expo Milano 2015. TraMe, the Interdisciplinary Research Group of Cultural Memories and Traumas of University of Bologna.
- Bellentani, F. 2013. La reinvenzione culturale dello spazio urbano in Estonia. TraMe, the Interdisciplinary Research Group of Cultural Memories and Traumas, University of Bologna, Italy.
Disseminations articles
- Bellentani, F. 2022. Kuidas muuta vastuolulised monumendid rahupaikadeks, Postimees
- Bellentani, F. 2021. Interview on controversial monuments, Deník N.
- Estonia Magazine, 2021. Federico Bellentani e la guerra dei monumenti
- Bellentani, F. 2020. Contested Monuments in Post-Communist countries: Problems and Lessons. org
- Bellentani, F. 2020. Seven ways to deal with monuments in Estonia. Estonian World
- 23/07/2020 Podcast on Smart Working: how to start doing it now?, Rinascita Digitale
- 05-07/2020 Realised 5 interview podcasts together with the organisation Fare Ricerca. Title of the project: Humanities skills for innovation
Research topics
I am a Post-doc Researcher at the University of Turin, within the ERC Consolidator Project FACETS. My research interests range from semiotics of culture, cultural geography, planning theory, national landscape imagery and digital culture.
I received my PhD from Cardiff University, UK (2017) and I hold a MA in semiotics (2013) from University of Bologna. In 2015-2016, I was visiting researcher at the Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu.
Today I am vice-president of the International Association of Semiotics of Space and Time and Head of Marketing and Communications at an Italian ICT company specialised on artificial intelligence with a strong background in semiotics.
My scientific production includes a book, 15 contributions (articles, book chapters or translations) and two edited special issues of academic journals. I presented in several international conferences. I was invited to give a lecture at an international program on hybrid warfare, which brought together influential scholars and the President of Estonia.
Activities in agenda