Lorenzo Rossi
(RTDa) Research Fellows
- Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
- SSD: M-FIL/02 - logic and philosophy of science
- ORCID: orcid.org/ 0000-0002-1932-5484

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- lo.rossi@unito.it
- Palazzo Nuovo
Via Sant'Ottavio 20
10124 Torino - https://pes.campusnet.unito.it/persone/lo.rossi
- Contacts VCard
- Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences
- Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell'Educazione
- Corso di laurea in Filosofia
- Corso di laurea magistrale in Filosofia
- Philosophy International Curriculum M.A.
Curriculum vitae

Selected research products
(2022) Truth and Paradox in Context (with J. Murzi), under contract with Oxford University Press.
(2022) Handbook of Trivalent Logic (editor, with P. Égré), under contract with The MIT Press.
(2022) The Liar Paradox (editor), under contract with Cambridge University Press.
Journal articles
(2021) Non-reflexivity and revenge (with J. Murzi), Journal of Philosophical Logic, online first [Official publication (open access)].
(2021) Grounding, quantifiers, and paradoxes (with F. Genco and F. Poggiolesi), Journal of Philosophical Logic, 50, pp. 1417, 1448 [Official publication (open access)].
(2021) De Finettian logics of indicative conditionals — Part II: Proof-theory and algebraic semantics (with P. Égré and J. Sprenger), Journal of Philosophical Logic, 50, pp. 215-247 [Official publication (open access)]
(2021) De Finettian logics of indicative conditionals — Part I: Trivalent semantics and validity (with P. Égré and J. Sprenger), Journal of Philosophical Logic, 50, pp. 187-213 [Official publication (open access)]
(2020) Generalised revenge (with J. Murzi), Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 98(1), pp. 153-177 [Penultimate draft, Official publication].
(2019) A unified theory of truth and paradox, The Review of Symbolic Logic, 12 (2), pp. 209-254 [Penultimate draft, Official publication]
(2019) Conservative Deflationism? (with J. Murzi), Philosophical Studies, 177, pp. 535-549 [Official publication (open access)].
(2019) Non-contractability and revenge (with J. Murzi), Erkenntnis, online first [Official publication (open access)].
(2019) Model-theoretic semantics and revenge paradoxes, Philosophical Studies, 176 (4), pp. 1035-1054 [Official publication (open access)].
(2018) Reflection principles and the Liar in context (with J. Murzi), Philosophers’ Imprint, 18 (15), pp. 1-18 [Official publication (open access)].
(2018) Principles for object-linguistic consequence: from logical to irreflexive (with C. Nicolai), Journal of Philosophical Logic, 47 (3), pp. 549-577 [Official publication (open access)].
(2017) Naïve validity (with J. Murzi), Synthese, online first [Official publication (open access)].
(2016) Adding a conditional to Kripke’s theory of truth, Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (5), pp. 485-529 [Penultimate draft, Official publication].
Papers in edited collections
(2021) The expressive power of contextualist truth (with J. Murzi), in C. Nicolai and J. Stern (eds.), Modes of Truth. The Unified Approach to Modality, Truth, and Paradox. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy, Routledge [Full book (open access)]
(2021) Gibbardian collapse and trivalent conditionals (with P. Égré and J. Sprenger), to appear in S. Kaufmann, D. Over, an G. Sharma (eds.), Conditionals: Logic, Linguistics, and Psychology, Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition, Palgrave-MacMillan [Preprint].
- Epistemologia (FIL0329)
Corso di laurea in Filosofia - Epistemology (FIL0175)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Filosofia - Logica (M-Z) (S2444)
Corso di laurea in Filosofia
Research topics
I am an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) at the University of Turin, Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences, Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition (LLC).
My areas of specialization are Logic, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mathematics, and Epistemology, and I have serious interests in the History of Modern Philosophy as well.
I work on truth, paradox, and the foundations of semantics, conditionals, quantifiers and absolute generality, vagueness, the logic of grounding, and non-classical logics (mostly many-valued and sub-structural logics).
Before joining the LLC and the University of Turin, I was an Assistant Professor at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) (LMU Munich), and before that I was a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy (KGW) (University of Salzburg), working in the FWF-project The Liar and its Revenge in Context.
I studied philosophy and logic at the University of Florence (BA Philosophy, 2009; MA Logic, Philosophy and History of Science, 2011), and at the University of Oxford (DPhil Philosophy, 2017).
Fore more details on my work, please visit my website.
Activities in agenda
Academic bodies
Office hours
Martedì ore 12:00 (dal 19/11/24)