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Communication and media education

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This research area encompasses a broad spectrum of scientific interests and methodological approaches, at the crossroads between the communication sciences and the educational sciences and considers the media as an educational resource for all individuals.

The interdisciplinary group that converges towards the study of Media education, in fact, has among its objectives that of producing in-depth analyzes of the new forms of contemporary culture and of analyzing, evaluating and planning educational actions that take into account the profound changes that have taken place in the social environment. and communicative in recent decades.

In addition, it promotes various forms of media education planning in schools and in the local area, a culture of documentation (paper and digital, narrative and more structured) of experiences and good practices, a timely and systematic observation of the learning process and a competence-oriented approach to assessment.

Scientific and operational interests therefore aim at research and experimentation in the most advanced sectors of communication and education, with particular attention to the impact of digital media and web 2.0, in continuity with traditional media. The research projects are conducted and developed in collaboration with institutions, local authorities, media production companies, editorial offices, the world of publishing, associations, universities and research centers, with particular attention to the needs of the territory and internationalization aspects.

To this end, the section makes use of the tools of experimental pedagogy, media sociology, sociology of education, education and learning technologies, theories and techniques of writing, up to involving the knowledge of anthropology of media and theatrical animation.

The scientific projects carried out and the prevailing research interests focus on the following themes:

  • Analysis of the "media diets" of children and adolescents: from mass media to social media
  • Verification of the impact of media curricula in schools
  • RME - Media education research (effective media education theories and practices)
  • Advanced research on the use of new technologies for teaching and special pedagogy (DSA and BES)
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of media content (e.g. analysis of television genres, analysis of children's TV programs, etc.)
  • Media literacy and empirical research on digital and media skills
  • ICT and social media in learning environments
  • Sustainability and inclusion in relation to media technologies
  • Cyberbullying
  • Gamification
  • New frontiers of E-learning (eg MOOC)
  • Digital storytelling and transmedia storytelling
  • E-books and new learning environments
  • Social enterprise and educator 2.0
  • Educational and communicative research for the incubation of ideas and media-educational enterprises
  • Cultural and social animation
  • Writing and media production

Many of the items listed above refer to research already carried out, others in the construction phase, still others in the planning phase and in perspective. Furthermore, some of the activities indicated are based on ten years of production and research in television (Extracampus TV) and the new CinEduMedia interdepartmental research center of the DFE


Last update: 16/04/2021 13:56
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