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The semiotic group of the University of Turin focuses its theoretical and empirical research mainly on the following topics:

  • general semiotics, semiotic theory, theory of narrativity
  • semiotics of audiovisual, television, intermediality
  • visual semiotics
  • semiotics of culture, religious phenomena, food, body and fashion
  • political, corporate, tourist communication and advertising
  • epistemology of the human sciences, analysis of economic concepts
  • theories of the posthuman, analysis of the relationship between culture and technology

Staff in the research group includes tenured professors Massimo Leone and Jenny Ponzo, tenure-track professors Gabriele Marino, Simona Stano, and Antonio Santangelo, as well as a number of adjunct professors, post-doc researchers, research technicians, and PhD students.
The group participates in the Interdepartmental Center for Research on Communication (CIRCE), in the PhD program in Humanities (focus on “Semiotics and History of Media”), and publishes an international SCOPUS-ranked journal (Lexia, Aracne) and a series of books (“I saggi di Lexia, Aracne). Two ERC projects (FACETS, Massimo LEONE, Consolidator; NEMOSANCTI, Jenny PONZO, Starting), one Marie-Curie Global Fellowship (Simona STANO, COMFECTION) are based in the group.

Additional information is available at CIRCE and LEXIA, as well as through the Facebook page and through the websites and socials of the abovementioned projects


Last update: 29/04/2021 13:39
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