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Theoretical, aesthetic and hermeneutic philosophy

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Research in the DFE's area of ​​Theoretical, Aesthetic and Hermeneutic Philosophy is part of an ancient and consolidated tradition of studies recognized internationally, which has its major representatives in the figures of Luigi Pareyson and Gianni Vattimo. They are linked to the tradition of the classics of continental philosophy, especially Plato, Aristotle, German classical philosophy up to phenomenology, existentialism and hermeneutics, twentieth-century French philosophy, with attention also to the most recent developments and movements.

Particular importance is given to the studies of metaphysics, to the philosophy of economics and the environment, of life, of translation, of cultural identities, to the debate on modern and postmodern, to the philosophy of the image, to cultural and visual studies, to philosophy and the ontology of art.

The professors and researchers of Theoretical, Aesthetic and Hermeneutic Philosophy collaborate with centers that promote research in this area, such as the "Luigi Pareyson" Philosophical-Religious Studies Center, of which the School of Higher Philosophical Training is also organized; CIRM (Interuniversity Center for Research on Morphology "Francesco Moiso"); and Cespec (Center for Studies on Contemporary Thought).

Among the publications, the following journals deserve special mention: Annuario Filosofico, “Filosofia e Teologia”, “SpazioFilosofico”, “Tropos. Review of hermeneutics and philosophical criticism".

Closely related to the research area are also the activities that some teachers carry out within the International Chair of Critical Hermeneutics. Added to this are the many international collaborations with foreign institutions and universities, also facilitated by Erasmus exchanges, of which the researchers in the area are the referents, of students and teachers.


Last update: 27/04/2021 12:59
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